Friday, June 22, 2012

Bored? Why not exercise?

I get it.  You see the buff guys in prison who spend all their time working out; they do it because they have an abundance of time and have demons to wrestle with in that time.  I am not going to get ripped like Schwartzenegger, or run any marathons, but my time in Caronbored has got me working out again.  When you are in solitude and have little entertainment you have a lot of time with your thoughts.  Two options arise when wrestling your thoughts in solitude: one can continue to be tortured by such thoughts staring at the wall, or find a constructive way to work things out; exercise has been the solution for many to work things out.  I know I am not alone in this thinking; all year I never see my neighbor jog at all, but suddenly he's out in full force everyday. I too, have found running on my eliptical as a wonderful way to pass time, work my thoughts out, and feel good about myself.  I know many consider the routine of jogging/running as a metaphor for running from your problems, but this is hardly the case with myself.  Many can talk about the benefits of exercise on a purely physical perspective till they are blue in the face, but to focus on this alone is an injustice to the mental benefits and the more constructive use of time that comes with exercise.  Next time you think, "Wow, am I bored!"  Why don't you try exercise as a way to push yourself, keep yourself healthy, weigh things on your mind, and if anything use your freetime for something constructive.

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