Why have I made this blog? Well, I like to think of this little town I reside in as two different paintings: One painting is full of many vibrant colors splashed about on a canvas in various shapes, blending in different ways; this is Caronport during the school year of Briercrest College. The other painting is 3 basic colors in 3 basic shapes on a canvas, in fact they are on the other painting but you can't see them for all the colors splashed over-top. If I ask you to write a paragraph about the first painting, it's not problem; you can write several pages on various aspects, but you never address the shapes underneath cause you don't see them. If I ask you to write about the second painting, you have to really examine the painting and you write about details that would never cross your mind with the other.
Living in Caronport is two scenarios: I could write about student life, the interaction of various beliefs, or geographic backgrounds intersecting together etc. But what about when the students leave and there is just a minimal amount of people? I find myself noticing different things, doing different things, and in the quiet snail pace noticing and asking different questions of myself.
I am currently graduated from the college, but still living in this town with little connect to the people living here, no longer connected to the school, and living mostly alone as my wife is studying in the U.S. This may be completely boring to you and may merely be an exercise in writing my thoughts aloud, or it may expose some of your own feelings and thoughts. I make no promises and offer no results. I just write.
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